Golden Pomfret

SKU: FHS013_700
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Golden Pomfret is more commonly found in the wet markets than the rest of the pomfrets as they are mostly farmed. This natural tasting fish has very little fishy taste and it has a subtle sweet taste with firm texture.

Nutritional Value:
This fish is a great source of calcium, vitamins A and D, and B vitamins, including Vitamin B12, vital for the nervous system. It also offers iodine, critical for the thyroid gland. A useful brain food, the pomfret is good for eyesight and healthy hair and skin.

Best Served:
*Can be filleted and used to cook porridge or for steamboat.
*Can be served Steamed, Pan-Fried or Deep-Fried.
*Try Pan-frying it with Teriyaki sauce.

Additional Info:
1) Weight stated above is before cleaning & gutting. There may be a weight discrepancy of ±100g.
2) All fish will be cleaned, gutted and vacuum packed.
3) Fish 1.5kg and above will be prepared in steak cuts.

NameGolden Pomfret
Weight 650g ± (per fish), 700g ± (per fish), 800g ± (per fish)
Golden Pomfret

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